Lecture 22
Duke University
STA 199 - Fall 2022
Come up with at least one question you’d like to see answered in the Exam 1 review on Thursday.
Go to slido.com and submit your question with the code #sta199exam2.
You can also upvote others’ questions.
My office hours today 3:30-5pm on Zoom: bit.ly/minezoom.
Lab 6 due Friday night (11:59 pm) – but I strongly recommend you finish and submit it before the exam begins!
Exam 2 is released on Thursday at noon and is due at 2pm on Monday.
No TA OH during the exam.
I will have OH 4-5pm on Friday (on Zoom).
Any clarification questions must be emailed to me only.
No Slack use during the exam, even about non-exam related questions.
Come up with at least one question you’d like to see answered in the Exam 2 review on Thursday.
Go to slido.com and submit your question with the code #sta199exam2.
You can also upvote others’ questions.
(repo name will be suffixed with your GitHub name).