Lecture 24
Duke University
STA 199 - Fall 2022
Office hours today 2:45 - 4:45pm in person or on Zoom
Remaining due dates:
Peer eval 2 due tonight by 11pm. Late submission is not possible!
Survey on Sakai for topics requested for next week.
Project presentations next Monday in lab – all team members must be present.
Project write-up and final repo due 11:59pm Thur, Dec 8 – you will lose access to your repo at this time.
HW 6 due 11:59pm Friday, Dec 9.
Remaining application exercises due on the usual schedule.
(Optional) Exam retake – due 11:59 pm Thur, Dec 15 – absolutely no late submissions, extensions, etc. for any reason.
Released after Exam 2 grades are released, by next week.
Weighted average between your lowest exam score and what you earn on the retake
If you earned a 0% on Exam 2 and earn 100% on Exam Retake, you will earn an 85%.
Overall task: Create a six question assessment covering specific topics from the course, write a key and a grading rubric for each, as well as a justification.
Review peer evaluations left by your peers, implement updates as you see fit, close the issue once you review them.
Have a clear plan for who is doing what, open issues on your repo, and assign them to individuals who can then close the issues as they finish a task.
Schedule at least one team meting between today and your presentation to practice your presentation together.
(repo name will be suffixed with your GitHub name).